
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

13-15 months

Summer 2014

This summer was by far my favorite period in Hadleys life, she could walk and really learn and explore things, she loves the outdoors (gets it from her dada).

trips to the town park at the end of our road happened weekly. 

We are very fortunate to have an amazing museum for children in our city (Strong Museum of Play)

 trips to the local canal also happened weekly, walking the canal with my sister-in-law Jenna was a fun way to workout and gossip. Our attempts to "walk her baby out" we unsuccessful though 

Delaney and hadley loved sunshine and water all summer long.

this picture ^ was at my sister in law Yolanda's house. It was hadley's first time eating cheetos <3

 corn was your all time favorite food this summer 

at the beginning of the summer you refused to walk in grass…odd. But by the end of the summer you came to love playing in the grass. 

wagon rides happened at least 5x a day (seriously!)

My etsy shop is called babyonesock and thats because since day one thats what we've called hadley. No matter what pair of socks we put on her one will always end up off. 

Fist Carnival ever was at the Kendal Carnival. 
Pa said "she's to young to play any games"
The moment we set her in front of the duck game she proved him wrong!!

Jenna's baby shower was mid August and at the gorgeous Hurds Farm 

this seat ^ was made by Ben's grandfather and its Hadley's favorite place to sit

look closely ^ theres a turtle in that picture :) 
oh and look at baby one sock!

when the weather permitted we would go to Ben and my brothers softball games. 

first time eating a oreo ^

at the strong museum

first time at SAMS club, she quickly learned she loves samples!

My yard sale game was strong this year ^.25 cents 

Finally the day came that we had been waiting for, Jacks Arrival!!! Jenna ended up having the exact same labor/ delivery as me :( 
Jack Rowdy was born 08/19/14 (his parents 3rd wedding anniversary)
Before his arrival we spent 2 days in the hospital waiting for him to come. The day he was born we (my mom and me) let Hadz drink some of her shakeology and she seemed fine. Hadley ended up throwing up at least 7x that day. ALL over her carseat, stroller, 4 outfits, the hospital floor… Lovely time i had washing all those things! Oh so yea thats why she wearing no clothes in these pictures. Ben had to bring clothes from home then go twice to target for more...

first trip to Seabreeze was a success!

with a little bribery, my cousins son went on all the rides with her :) 

first sleep over at grandmas ^

Hadley refuses to sleep anywhere but her crib, when she gets tired this is what she does ^

we made new friends (sharon and her daughter kaelyn)

daddy comes up with the best outfits ^

diapering her babies like a true momma

Im not sure why it took us so long to invest in a video monitor but its defiantly a game changer!

15 month stats:

30.7 inches tall
23 lb 3oz 

Allergic to: 
tree nuts


wave bye and blow kiss
lip flip for noises