
Friday, March 21, 2014

10 months

well 9 months was a huge learning month for you!


helping with bottles

Reading with mommy 

Took 9 months but you finally got your first cold :( 

You had a fever of 104!

I seriously have the cutest baby ever 

I love our photos we got back from the photographer

Playing the drums

You climb everything!

First time eating cherrios 

Your best friend Delaney and you at swim class

After 9.5 months we said goodbye to the swing

Mommy made hadley a cupcake!!!!

Playing with her grandpa 

First time this year at the beach

I remember buy this onsie the day i found out you were a girl.. and now it fits you :( 

10 months apt

This was the first time we ever left you with someone who wasn't family, it was scary for mommy 

You love stringing daddies earphones between your teeth

Daddy was able to come to swim class 

 open and close, over and over

love pulling all the kleenex or wipes out

We got new storage for all your toys

So helpful

You love being able to play in the plastic cupboard 

You are not that great at playing with Delaney.. you like to hit and push :(

Auntie and uncle jeff are having a BOY!

You like to wake me up then when i go to get you, you act like I'm waking you up. 

First wagon ride..was a hit!

Future soccer star

Hadley Fenway:
10 month stats
28.5 in
18lb13 oz
47.5 cm head

Likes: Wagon rides, swim class, baths, eating cat food, chasing cats, letting puppies lick your hand, walking with your push toy, attacking everyone, making messes, plastics, real food.

Dislikes: car rides, naps, not being picked up, and not getting food fast enough.

This month had truly been amazing to see you grow and learn things, Napping and sleeping we not happening but thats ok because your cute. You have a strong personality, You are independent yet really needy of mommy. I am not allowed to read you books because you get angry. You say: Up, dada, gaga, bye-bye, ball. We stopped cloth diapering a few weeks ago because your a super soaker. You also learned to sit in the back seat alone for once, now mommy gets to sit upfront again. We are slowly counting downy he days till your first birthday and that makes me so sad.