I will only ever in this much detail ever tell this story once because quite frankly I have burning hatred towards my midwife and the way my labor went.
Sunday May 19th- our 3 yr aniversary of when we started dating in Fenway Stadium, I "woke up" at 6 (i had been up ALL night with contractions). When i got up I had a small emotional break down and even sent my husband next door to get my mom to calm me down, I was super upset that my baby didn't want to come out and that everyone on my Facebook "May mommies" group we having their babies.
Once I calmed down I threw some clothes on and decided we would go to the lilac festival and go see "Pain & Gain" in theaters after the NST at the hospital.
9:37-On the way to the hospital I was having horrible contractions and when i got to the triage and spent 20 mins on the NST test the nurse asked if i wanted to be checked by a midwife because my contractions were so strong.
9:57- I of course said yes and when i got checked i was 4cm and 75% effaced and the midwife told us we could stay and be admitted!!!!!
11am-I was given my own room 303 immediately and my mom, Jeff and Jenna all showed up. I breathed very well threw contractions and every 20-30 min the nurse would check the babies heartbeat. Other then that i was not monitored constantly. I walked the halls with my mom and Jenna. The boys watched a baseball game.
2pm- I was checked again and I was at 5-6cm!
2:30- I got in the tub and listened to my ipod to relax and breath threw contractions
3:45- I couldn't take it anymore and got the epidural...Amazing how well it worked at first. I could be having huge long contractions and had no idea. But having a epidural meant i had to be stuck in bed monitored full time and have a folle catheter inserted...BOO
6:40- checked again and was 8cm!
Fun little moments:
My brother is very squeamish and easily disgusted.
Well after the epidural I couldn't feel much and at one point thought my water broke, Ben offered to look and Jeff jumped up and started yelling "Dude! Don't look" "DONT DO IT DONT EVER LOOK" It was hilarious.
Another funny moment is when my mom asked if i had peed yet with the catheter and without hesitation ben grabbed my urine bag held it up and said "yup she's peed!" I burst out laughing that he would just grab a bag of my urine.
9:45pm- Midwife broke my water and found merconium and also i had a fever so they started me on antibiotics. Also found out the baby was sunny side up (face up).
At 11:58pm They started me on pitocin to make my contractions closer together so I could start pushing. moments later I needed a "pick me up" from the anesthesiologist
2:05am I was fully Dilated and started pushing. At 2:26 i needed oxygen.
3:20am- Midwife brought in a surgeon and we discussed c section, i declined.
4:35am I stopped pushing again and got another pick me up and rested.
5:57AM- Started pushing again with everyone in the room and was told they could see her head and hair and the baby bed was even heated up like it was go time and baby was coming out....
7am- the midwife drugged me again and told me to rest, i was so confused as to why if she was almost out would you tell me to sleep!!!
9am- the midwife told me her shift was over and the baby was most likely NOT coming out but asked if i wanted to push..the next midwife came in for her shift at that time and asked if i wanted a c-section and i finally agreed!
11am- I was wheeled into the OR and at 11:18 Hadley Jollie entered the world! I began having crazy shoulder pain so they put me under so I have no true memory of the entire labor or c section, I often wonder wether i would want to remember or not...
12:20pm- We were wheeled into a recovery area and i got to have one visitor at a time (I'm awake in the picture but have no memory of this time).
2pm- I was in my own post partom room where i would end up staying 5 days! I got an infection (big surprise) and had to stay in the hell hole of a hospital.
Now that the times are given, i will give side stories, like that the midwife would tell my mother to leave bc she was distracting me, or tell me that i wanted a c-section even tho i was the one decline it, the women could not have been more rude or unnatural in her birthing approach. At every chance she would drug
me and make me unable to speak without slurring.
When the prep began for the c section they removed the catheter and found a huge blood clot on it and when they removed the internal monitors they would they weren't in right and that whole 3 hours i was given pitocin to strengthen my contractions that my contractions were strong enough the whole time the monitors just weren't doing there job!