Saturday Afternoon, September 1st, I was getting home from Cape Cod and really had to pee and even though I swore i wouldn't test till the next day I caved and as soon as Me and Ben got home i peed on the stick! While we were waiting so the test to come back...Negative i figured.... I decided to give ben a red sox baby jersey I had bought on vacation :)
Well as we Spoke the test was finishing up and BAM there was finally a second line!!!! After months of getting negatives...There it was, the faintest lightest line :) of course ben agreed he could see it but it took 6 more test for him to finally believe I WAS KNOCKED UP!!
Here is the last test I took at 5w1d & darkest one yet!
The month of our wedding ben gave in and agreed to start trying :) but a few months passed and i started to become discouraged ( I'm not a patient person!) During august we used ovulation predictors and finally pin pointed the BIG O DAY. Days after O i left for cape cod and started to get cramps so i figured AF was coming so i started drinking and enjoying vacation.....
When Ben picked me up from vacation and brought me home I even said oh well this month is out but Sept is our month! (we had agreed before the wedding that would be our month to start trying) I was even excited and said all this trying had been practice, Well as soon as i got home and took the was the best surprise of our lives and we could not be more blessed :)